// Lang file for js files, translate the gettext into js variables /* File path */ lang_path_main = 'main' lang_path_connect = 'connect' lang_path_files = 'files' lang_path_admin = 'admin' lang_path_regions = 'regions' lang_path_ranks = 'ranks' lang_path_home = 'home' lang_path_assembly = 'assembly' lang_path_read = 'read' lang_path_drawing = 'drawing' /* showModals.js */ lang_modals_create_directory = "Create directory" lang_modals_directory_name = "Directory's name" lang_modals_create_assembly = "Create assembly" lang_modals_assembly_name = "Assembly's name" lang_modals_create_template = "Create template" lang_modals_template_name = "Template's name" lang_modals_create_picture = "Create picture" lang_modals_picture_name = "Picture's name" lang_modals_create_costsTable = "Create cost's table" lang_modals_costsTable_name = "Costs table's name" lang_modals_rename = "Renaming the file" lang_modals_rename_new_name = "New name" lang_modals_template_choice = "Please select the template you to start from, or 'From scratch', if you want to start from an empty one." lang_modals_template_empty = "From scratch" lang_modals_tutorial_title = "Tool description" lang_modals_tutorial_button = "Got it!" /* main.home.js */ lang_main_error = "Error" lang_main_trashbin = "Trash bin" lang_main_myfiles = "My files" lang_main_mycoststables = "My cost tables" lang_main_templates = "Templates" lang_main_renaming_file = "Renaming" lang_main_file_to_trash = "Put to trash bin" lang_main_restoring_file = "Restoring" lang_main_deleting_file = "Deleting" lang_main_restoring_file_to_access = "You have to restore this file to access it." lang_main_error_get_path = "Error : Couldn't get file's path" lang_main_error_get_files_list = "Error : Couldn't get file's list" lang_main_message_emptyDirectory = "This directory is empty" lang_main_message_emptyDirectory_dragFiles = "Drag files here or use the NEW button" lang_main_message_emptyTrashBin = "No files in the trash bin" lang_main_sending_for_approval = "We have sent your assembly to approval..." lang_main_share_mailto_subject = "Share your file" lang_main_share_mailto_body = "Copy this link and paste it into the body of your e-mail to share it: " lang_main_duplicate_assembly = " (copy)" /* admin.users.create.js */ lang_admin_country_error = "Error : couldn't get country's list" lang_admin_region_error = "Error : couldn't get regions's list" lang_admin_rank_error = "Error : couldn't get rank's list" lang_admin_language_error = "Error : couldn't get language's list" lang_admin_user_created = "User created successfully" lang_admin_error_occurred = "An error occurred. Please check the form again." /* admin.users.update.js */ lang_admin_country_error = "Error : couldn't get country's list" lang_admin_region_error = "Error : couldn't get regions's list" lang_admin_sector_error = "Error : couldn't get sector's list" lang_admin_rank_error = "Error : couldn't get rank's list" lang_admin_languages_error = "Error : couldn't get language's list" lang_admin_user_updated = "User updated successfully" lang_admin_error_occurred = "An error occurred. Please check the form again." /* admin.users.js */ lang_admin_user_deleted = "User deleted successfully" lang_admin_user_not_deleted = "Insufficient access level!" lang_admin_delete_error = "An error occurred. Please contact administrator." /* main.connect.js */ lang_connect_forgottenPassword_emailSent = "An email has been sent to retrieve your password." lang_connect_forgottenPassword_emailNotfound = "This email is not in our database. Please, check again." /* main.profile.js */ lang_profile_passwordChanged = "Your password has been updated." lang_profile_passwordWrongCurrentPassword = "Incorrect current password." lang_profile_passwordDontMatch = "The passwords you enter do not match"